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The mod that provide the json (maybe also js) API for Minecraft Modding.

Block Json Object

id: The id of the block, should be identical.

states: The property containing BlockStates of the block.

properties: The properties of the block.

capabilites: An optional property, see Capabilities


This object will define the various states of block.

You have to have a state named default. Or, you write the block state property to the root level.

Common case:

    "id": "eg_block",
    "states": {
        "default": {
            "lightOpacity": 1,
            "lightLevel": 0.5,
            // other default properties all here
        "someOtherState": {
            // some other property

All property goes root level:

    "id": "eg_block",
    "states": {
        "someOtherState": {
            // some other property
    "lightOpacity": 1,
    "lightLevel": 0.5,
    // other default properties all here

Then you could have some other custom states.

The state itself contains several property:

Property Default Value Range Description Example
material No default, required field Material The various material related behavior of block “grass”
stepSound “stone” SoundType Sets the step sound of a block . “wood”
harvest {} Harvest Provide the harvest behavior of block. {“level”: “stone”, “tool”: “pickaxe”}
bounding [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] 6 doubles The outline box of the block [0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5625, 1]
collision [[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]] Array of 6 doubles array The collision box of the block [[0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5625, 0.5], [0.6,0.6,0.6,1,1,1]]
opacity 16 0-16 Sets how much light is subtracted when going through this block This is only used if isOpaqueCube() returns false 14
brightness 0.0 0.0-1.0 Sets how much light is emitted from the block. 0 means no light. 0.5
hardness depends on material (stone:1.5; obsidian:50.0) All Float Sets how long it takes to break the block. Stone:1.5. Obsidian:50.0. Bedrock: -1 4.0
resistance depends on material (stone:10.0; obsidian:2000.0) All Float Sets the block’s resistance against explosions 300


The json object represents the harvest information of block.

Property Default Value Range Description Example
level “wood” “wood”, “stone”, “iron”, “diamond” What level of tool could harvest this “iron”
tool ”” The id of the tools, for default minecraft: “pickaxe”, “axe”, “shovel” What kind of tool could harvest this “axe”

largely ref from:


this section is WIP, I’m filling the table

The string or object represent the material of block.

Object format:

Property Default Value Range Description
isLiquid false true, false If this material is type of liquid
flammbale false true, false If this block can catch on fire
replacable false true, false If this block is like tall grass or air can be replaced
mobility ”” “destroy”, “block”, “ignore”, “push_only” The behavior of the block pushed by piston
isSolid true true, false If this is a solid block. This is arguably…

Minecraft commonly used (in my opinion) built-in material:

Material BlockLight(√) Flammbale(x) Replacable(x) Solid(√) Mobility(normal) translucent tool
air x   x    
grass           x  
ground           x  
water x   x destroy  
plants x   x destroy    
leaves       destroy    
fire x   x destroy    
snow x   x destroy  
cake         destroy    
gourd         destroy    

Minecraft special usage (in my opinion) built-in material:

Material BlockLight(√) Flammbale(x) Replacable(x) Solid(√) Mobility(normal) tool
lava x   x destroy  
anvil         block
vine x x destroy  
circuits x     x destroy  
carpet x   x    
redstone light            
coral         destroy  
packed ice            
crafted snow          
dragon egg         destroy  
web         destroy
barrier         block
structure void x          
portal x     x block  

largely ref from:


Minecraft have these built-in sound type: (too lazy to fill all the sound event)

name volume pitch break step place hit fall
wood 1 1          
ground 1 1          
plant 1 1          
stone 1 1          
glass 1 1          
cloth 1 1          
sand 1 1          
snow 1 1          
ladder 1 1          
anvil 0.3 1          
slime 1 1          

To register own sound type, create file under the folder def/blocks/sound-types/ with file [soundTyle].json

Then the file format is

    "volume": 1.0,
    "pitch": 1.0,
    "break": "soundName",
    "step": "soundName",
    "place": "soundName",
    "hit": "soundName",
    "fall": "soundName"

To view current built-in sound: Sounds (NOT DONE YET)