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The mod that provide the json (maybe also js) API for Minecraft Modding.

Item Json Object

id: The id of the item, should be identical.

type: The type of the item. See Types And Properties.

creativeTab: (optional) The creative tab of this item.

capabilites: See Capabilities

Types And Properties

For each type, it could have different properties. These properties should be directly located at this item JSONObject.

All type specific properties are optional!

    "type": "a-type",
    "a-type-specific-property": "value",
    "another-type-specific-property": "value",


The type stack indicates that this is a common stack of items.

It has these type specific properties:

Property Default Value Range Description Example
maxStackSize 64 All Integer The max stackable size of this item. 32
subTypes [] JSONArray containing String All the subtypes’ id of item. [“gold”, “iron”, “red”, “blue”]


    "id": "example-stack-item",
    "type": "stack",
    "maxStackSize": 32,
    "subTypes": ["wood", "iron", "stone"]


The type consumable indicates that this is a no-stackable but consumable item.

It has these type specific properties:

Property Default Value Range Description Example
maxDamage 16 All Integer The max durability of this item. 300


    "id": "example-comsumable-item",
    "type": "comsumable",
    "maxDamage": 8


The type tool indicates that the item is created by Minecraft template of tool.

It has these type specific properties:

Property Default Value Range Description Example
attackDamage 0 All Integer The attack damage of this tool. (TODO: formula require) 10
attackSpeed 0 All Integer The attack speed of this tool. (TODO: formula require) 10
material iron The enum ToolMaterial, default: {wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond} The material name of this tool. “gold”
effectiveBlocks [] The JSONArray containing block register names. The effective block of this tool. [“minecraft:dirt”, “minecraft:rock”]


    "id": "example-comsumable-item",
    "type": "tool",
    "attackDamage": 3,
    "attackSpeed": 3


The type food indicates that the item is create by Minecraft template of food.

It has these type specific properties:

Property Default Value Range Description Example
healAmount 0 Integer from 0-20 The amount of healing of this food. 10
saturation 0.0 Float from 0 - 20 The amount of saturation of this food. 10
alwaysEdible false Boolean If this food can be eaten when player is full. true
isWolfFood false Boolean If this item is can be eaten by food. true
potionEffect null {effect:string, probability:number} The potion effect and probability of this potion effect active after eaten. {“effect”: “minecraft:speed” ,”probability”:0.3}


    "id": "example-food-item",
    "type": "food",
    "healAmount": 3,
    "saturation": 3,
    "alwaysEdible": true,
    "potionEffect": {
        "effect": "minecraft:speed",
        "probability": 0.3

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